Field Experience

In order to enable Residential Care Settings or organizations  around the world to present their work: therapeutic and educational projects or other projects involving the children and youth, or the staff or the children's parents, the conference will include a  twenty-minute  presentations   of a unique project or initiative  implemented in the residential care setting .
Presentation proposals   should be submitted as part of the call for papers (click here to send the abstract via the intended system). Please select the "Lecture" format and add the title "Field Experience" in the head of the abstract.

In your submission please include:

• the title of the project,
• Presenters' names and last name
• Position, Affiliation
• e-mail 
• Phone number 
• Rationale of the program, its content, manner of implementation, and if there is an evaluation of the project. 
The projects will be displayed in a session together with two other projects (three projects in one-hour session).