Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I invite you to participate in the 16th Israel Materials Engineering Conference (IMEC-16), to be held on February 23-25, 2014 at the Technion, Haifa.
IMEC-16 will follow the tradition of IMEC conferences, and serve as a meeting point for scientists and engineers from academia, research institutes and Israeli industry to exchange information and consolidate joint research programs. IMEC-16 will include all aspects of Materials Science and Engineering. The conference will represent the accelerated progress of materials science worldwide and in Israel in recent years.
IMEC-16 will include keynote and invited lectures, from leading scientists in Israel and abroad, on emerging topics of research in Materials Science and Engineering. Other events include student research awards, a commercial exhibition, and the traditional conference banquet.
Looking forward to see you at the meeting,
Professor Yair Ein-Eli
Chairman IMEC-16
Academic & Research Institutes
Governmental Institutions