Participants are invited to submit abstracts for presentation (oral or poster).
Deadline for abstract submission: November 26, 2013
For poster and oral presentations, the abstract must be submitted through the server of the symposium following the indicated steps:
Click on the "Submit now" button below.
Please insert your email.
If it is not your first submission you will be asked to enter the password which was given to you in your first submission.
Please choose between:
"Submit a new Abstract Submission Form by ..." TO
"Submit a new Abstract Submission Form under a different name"
Please follow the instructions:
1. Please fill in your personal details. Click "Next"
2. Request for "Oral" or "Poster Presentation": authors must check the preferred option
The Scientific Committee will select abstracts for poster and oral presentations Decision will be distributed to the presenters.
3. Topic of the contribution: please indicate the topic chosen from the list of topics
"Title": write or copy the abstract title (< 20 words)
Please check that title is EXACTLY the same as present in the abstract
4. "Abstract Body":In order to set a common standard for the abstracts' publication, authors are requested to organize the abstract as follows:
When preparing the text, please remember:
- Use generic drug names
- Do not begin sentences with numerals
- Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Non-standard abbreviations (kept to a minimum) must be placed in parentheses after the first use of the word or phrase abbreviated.
- Do not include references, credit or grant support
- The text should contain no more than 300 words (2000 characters including spaces); Should text be included in the graphics, please ensure it is legible (of standard font size).
You may copy the contents of a Word Doc into the abstract body window.
The INSERT FORMATTING drop down menu will allow you to create new paragraphs or lines breaks within the abstract body.
- Should your abstract include a table, please follow the instructions given on how to insert a table into the abstract body.
(It is not possible to cut and paste an existing table from a word document)
- In case your abstract includes an image/ graph, please upload each file separately according to the instructions.
The required format for any image file is jpeg, tif or gif (not to exceed 500KB).
5. "Keywords": enter the three keywords
Please check that keywords are EXACTLY the same as present in the abstract
6. Please indicate if you wish to participate in the Best Communication Awards
7. Once your file is uploaded, click on the "next" button and fill in the fields corresponding to first author personal data and other co-authors, if appropriate. Click "Next"
8. Please fill in the fields corresponding to first author affiliation data and other co-authors, if appropriate. Click "Submit"
Submission Deadline: November 26, 2013
Acceptance Notification: December 20, 2013
Accepted Abstracts will be included in the symposium Proceedings (EP-EUROPCE Journal, supplement) only if at least one of their authors is registered to the symposium. The early and lowest registration rate ($590) will be granted for abstract presenter if she/he make registration within 2 weeks after receiving acceptance of the abstract.
Due to space limitations only one poster per participant (presenting author) can be guranteed.
The scientific committee will conduct a blinded review of the abstracts and notification of acceptance/non-acceptance will be e-mailed.
Registration of Abstract presenters
Abstract presenters are required to register for the Scientific Sessions within 2 weeks after receiving acceptance of their abstract. If registration is not accomplished within the scheduled time the abstract will not be included in the program and will not be published.
Only PC data projection equipment will be available in every room.
All slides must be worded in English only; please copy your work – prepared in PowerPoint - on a USB pen.
The Speaker Ready Room will be available for presenters to preview their slides and to become familiar with the audiovisual equipment.
The use of personal laptops in the Workshop rooms is not permitted.
Poster Set-Up and Dismantle Information
Posters should be legible from a distance of 1-2 meters. The size of a poster should be 90 cm wide X 150 cm high (Portrait).
The title of the poster (identical to the accepted abstract), name(s) of author(s) and institution should be written on the poster.
We recommend that authors bring with them copies of a printed handout summary of their paper for distribution among interested participants.
Mounting Material: Posters mounting material will be provided by the Secretariat.
- IDSS Lottery!
Only the first 150 accepted abstracts will participate to the IDSS Lottery! SEND YOUR ABSTRACTS NOW, and you may win:
First Prize – 2 nights - hotel accommodation
Second Prize – USD500
Third Prize – Ticket to President Dinner
- Publication
All accepted abstracts (oral communications & posters) will presented in USB flash drive and will be published as Supplement of EP-Europace Journal which will be mailed to all journal subscribers.
- Best Communication Awards
The 5 best accepted abstracts (oraland/or poster) selected by the Abstract Award Committee will receive awards: first three - valued from $2000 to $1000 and an additional two will receive diplomas.
The winners will be announced during the Opening Ceremony.
The 12th IDSS once again will host the Fellow's Case Competition. All ACGME approved cardiology and EP fellows are eligible to submit a case.
Winners will be provided stipends to attend the meeting and present their cases.