Dear friends and colleagues,
The biennial IEEE Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas, Electronic Systems and Bio-Medical Engineering has become a familiar regional event uniting these overlapping topical areas. We are proud to continue the tradition of a high-quality technical program, recognizing particularly the exceptional contributions of the late Prof. Roger Pollard, who was Program Co-Chair in 2009 and 2011. Roger is remembered with respect and gratitude by his many colleagues and friends.
This conference is co-sponsored by the IEEE Israel AP/MTT and ComSoc chapters, AEAI (The Association of Engineers in Israel), and international societies and professional organizations like the IEEE’s ComSoc (Communications), MTTS (Microwaves), APS (Antennas and Propagation), AES (Aerospace and Electronic Systems), EuMA (the European Microwave Association) and GAAS Association.
Reflecting this broad sponsorship, the program of this year’s conference continues to be broad and interdisciplinary. We have significantly increased the number of tutorials and of industry-oriented invited sessions, making this conference more relevant than ever. Emphasis continues to be on applications-oriented research and development, from antennas and devices to systems and software, including calibration and testing, automotive radar and communications, and “5G” cellular mobile. Colleagues developing the products and systems of tomorrow and students just beginning to enter these specialized areas should find this conference particularly helpful to their projects and careers. We are pleased to have strong industry patronage and participation. We are grateful for this vital support, and happy that our industry focus is recognized. Our keynote speakers, too, represent high levels of industry leadership.
The COMCAS 2017 final program will comprises about 150 technical presentations, talks and tutorials, arranged in 40 sessions over two and one-half days with up to six parallel sessions running concurrently for much of the time. The technical presentations, reviewed, selected and accepted from a larger group of submissions, will be submitted for inclusion to IEEE-Xplore®. Thanks are due to the members of our large Technical Program Committee for their reviews and suggestions.
Shmuel Auster, IEEE COMCAS General Chair |
Amir Boag, IEEE COMCAS Technical Program Chair