Dr. Renata Farhi

Hospital Nossa Senhora da Saúde Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro.

Graduated in medicine through the Educational Souza Marques Technical Foundation in 2010 (Brazil/ Rio de Janeiro); Volunteer of the Brazilian Army as a doctor, working in the areas of Internal Medicine, Intensive Care and Emergency Room; Residence completed in Dermatology at the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Saúde Santa Casa da Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro; Fellow in institutions - INCA (National Cancer Institute) and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; worked as a medical dermatologist in Maternity Maria Amelia; It is currently assistant medical dermatology clinics in Brazil: Dermagrupo and Clinee.


Dr. Renata Farhi


New Approach for the Treatment of Infected Tinea Pedis

Tinea pedis (Athlete's foot) is a common skin disease, affecting 5-20% of the population. In general, is caused by dermatophytes, especially T rubrum. It is important to recognize that can be also a secondary bacterial infection, that must be treated first. One option of treatment to bacteria is the Fucidic acid.  Today, tinea pedis already have some treatments available, but new innovations are presented to treat it.