12.00-13.00 |
Gathering & Welcome |
Session 1 : Neurodevelopment
Chair: Dr. Adi Aran |
13.00-13.10 |
Underutilization of genetic testing in neurodevelopmental disorders in Israel - a large cohort study
D. May, D. Shmueli, R. Barshir, M. Shachar, Shaare Zedek MC, Clalit Health Services, Jerusalem, TAD Center for AI and Data Science, Tel Aviv Univ, Israel
13.10-13.20 |
Risk of injury in children with autism spectrum disorder with or without attention‑deficit/hyperactivity disorder - a retrospective cohort study of pediatric emergency department visits in Israel
D. Shmueli, T. Razi, M. Almog, I. Menashe, A. Mimouni Bloch, Child Development Services, Clalit Healthcare, Tel Aviv, Azrieli National Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopment Research, Ben Gurion Univ of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Medical Center, Ra'anana, Israel
13.20-13.30 |
Sex specific trajectories of autism: from pregnancy to adulthood including gender-related camouflage
L.V. Gabis, E. Kasiff, M. Shaham, T. Waisbach, R. Kol, O. Leon Attia, B. Rozenbaum, E. Aydin, Y. Gilboa, A. Tsompanides, C. Allison, R. Holt, S. Baron Cohen, Developmental Services Maccabi Healthcare & Keshet Autism Center Maccabi Wolfson, Israel
13.30-13.40 |
Using personal measure to unmask cognitive decline in pediatric MS, especially in high-achieving patients/ N. Gur, D. Hoofein, T. Pilowsky Peleg, E. Ganelin-Cohen, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem, Schneider Children’s MC, Petach Tikvah, School of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv-Jaffa Academic College, The National Institute for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
13.40-13.50 |
Neuroglial mechanisms of myelination in Williams syndrome: Insights from Gtf2i deletion and neurological impacts
B. Barak, Sagol School of Neuroscience & The School of Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv Univ, Israel
13.50-14.00 |
Distinct protein expression in umbilical cord blood of individuals with autism spectrum disorder
L. Kalich-Philosoph, B.E Biri, C. Yoffe, P. Baryakh, E. Glick Saar, R. Mayorov, O. Bar-Yosef, Weinberg Child Development Center, Sheba MC, Safra Children Hospital, Tel Hashomer, National Cord Blood Center, Cancer Research Center & Wohl Centre for Translational Medicine, Sheba MC, Israel
14.00-14.20 |
Friedreich's ataxia - New horizons
M. Rotstein Dana-Dwek Children's Hospital, Sourasky MC, Tel Aviv, Israel Medison-sponsored talk

14.20-14.35 |
Coffee break |
14.35-14.45 |
HIT 6 - a new Pediatric Headache Assessment questionnaire
J. Genizi, R. Mansour, M. Burbara, Bnei Zion MC, Haifa, Israel
14.45-14.55 |
Relationship between parental concerns about social-emotional reciprocity deficits and their children’s final diagnosis of ASD
E. Avni, R. Saban-Bezalel, E. Ben-Itzchak, D.A. Zachor, Ariel Univ, Tel Aviv Univ, Israel
14.55-15.05 |
Advancing early childhood developmental surveillance: evaluating the potential of the THIS Developmental Scale for screening applications
Yonatan bilu, Guy Amit, Keren Mayer Lapidot, Noa Garon Sela, Nira Kreber, Pini Akiva, Yair Sadaka, Neuro-Developmental Research Center, Mental Health Institute, Be’er-Sheva, KI Research Institute, Kfar Malal, Ben-Gurion Univ of the Negev, Be’er-Sheva, Israel
15.05-15.15 |
A new approach to CBIT: a novel gamified closed-loop intervention for assistance with tic suppression interventions in children
M. Rotstein, Zimmerman-Brenner S, Davidovitch S, Ben-Haim Y, Koryto Y, Sion R,
Rubinstein E, Djerassi M, Lubiniaker N, Peleg TP, Steinberg T, Leitner Y, Raz G. Dana-Dwek Children’s Hospital, Sourasky MC, Tel Aviv, Israel
15.15-15.25 |
Nitrous oxide-induced myeloneuropathy due to recreational abuse among adolescents
L. Cohen-Vig, N. Hota, O. Scheuerman, T. Steinberg, I. Krause, J. Genizi, M. Zeidan, S. Aharoni. Schneider Children’s MC of Israel, Petah-Tikva, Israel
15.25-15.45 |
Current Treatments in Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Future Horizons
R. Cohen Schneider Children’s MC of Israel, Petah-Tikva, Israel AstraZeneca-sponsored talk

15.45-16.00 |
Coffee break |
Session 2: Neuroimmunology & White matter |
Chair: Dr. Ayelet Halevy |
16.00-16.10 |
Cognitive impairments in autoimmune encephalitis: the role of autoimmune antibodies and oligoclonal bands
A. Rozenberg, S. Shelly, A. Vaknin-Dembinsky, T. Freidman-Korn, T. Benoliel-Berman, P. Spector, N. Yarovinski, D. Guber, L. Gutter Kapon, Y. Weksler, E. Ganelin-Cohen, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Hadassah MC, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem, Carmel MC, Haifa, Sheba MC Tel Hashomer, School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Tel Aviv University, Schneider Children's MC of Israel, Petah Tikva, Israel
16.10-16.20 |
Exploring the psychological impact of illness perception in children with pediatric onset multiple sclerosis: insights from a parent-child study
R. Aloni, S. Menascu, Multiple Sclerosis Center, Sheba MC Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan, Department of Psychology, Ariel Univ, Ariel, Tel Aviv Univ, Israel
16.20-16.30 |
Motor, cognitive, affective and communication outcomes in patients with sustained opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome (OMS) remission
T. Gur-Hartman, Z. Elyosef, Y. Shimoni, A. Nissenkorn, S. Ravid,T. Lerman-Sagie, S. Ash, L. Blumkin, Edith Wolfson MC, Holon, School of Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv Univ, Faculty of Education, Univ of Haifa, Open Univ of Israel, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Technion, Haifa, Schneider Children’s MC of Israel, Petach Tikva, Israel
16.30-16.40 |
Newborn screening in metachromatic leukodystrophy - European consensus-based recommendations on clinical management
L. Laugwitz, D.H. Schoenmakers, L. Adang, S. Beck-Wödl, C. Bergner, G. Bernard, A. Bley, A. Boyer,V. Calbi, H. Dekker, F. Eichler, E. Eklund, F. Fumagalli, F. Gavazzi, S.W. Grønborg, Peter van Hasselt, Mirjam Langeveld, Caroline Lindemans, Fanny Mochel, Andreas Oberg, D. Ram, E. Saunier-Vivar, L. Schöls, M.Scholz, C. Sevin, A. Zerem, N.I. Wolf, S. Groeschel, International Experts Panel
16.40-16.50 |
Lateral ventricle volume is associated with disease severity in pediatric multiple sclerosis
S. Menascu, M. Gurevich, Multiple Sclerosis Center, Sheba MC, Tel Hashomer, Tel Aviv Univ, Israel
16.50-17.10 |
Right hemisphere syndrome
N. Carmi, Safra Children Hospital, Tel Hashomer & Maccabi Healthcare Services
17.10-17.30 |
Sleep-related hypermotor seizures vs parasomnias in pediatrics patients: pitfalls of diagnosis
V. Chernuha, Ruth Rappaport Children Hospital, Rambam MC, Haifa, Israel
17.30-17.45 |
Coffee break |
17.45-18.45 |
Guest Speaker: Ady Mor-Biran, Microsoft. Beyond the Hype: The Potential of Generative AI in Health |
19.00 |
Dinner |