Dear MSc. & PhD students in Israeli academic institutes:
The Israeli Immunological Society (IIS) and The Israeli Society for Cancer Research (ISCR) have joined forces in organizing a scientific meeting entitled "Precision Medicine in the Prism of Immunology and Cancer"
You are invited to register and submit an abstract taking part in this exciting event.
We are please to announce that MSc. and PhD students in Israeli academic institutes, that will register and submit an abstract till July 15th will be evaluated for short talks, flash talks and fellowships.
60 outstanding abstracts will be selected for oral presentation (short or flash) and 75 abstracts will be chosen for registration fellowship (up to 50% from registration fee).
Please note that:
- The abstracts will be selected from registered participants only.
- If you prefer that your abstract will not be evaluated for a talk, but only for registration fellowship, you would be able to choose this option during the abstract submission.
The meeting will feature lively discussions and the exchange of scientific thoughts and ideas. The theme of the event is 'Building Bridges' (connections between different fields, backgrounds, and scientific disciplines). Share your research and add to the innovative perspectives and valuable insights to be presented at the meeting.
Please see this as a personal invitation. Join the immunology and cancer communities in celebrating the achievements of immunologists, cancer researchers, and oncologists.
Prof. Mira Barda-Saad Prof. Angel Porgador
President of the IIS President of the ISCR