אנגלית עברית

  לקבלת עדכונים

תוכנית כללית טנטטיבית

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Eilot Region Tours
Refreshments and Registration
Lobby, Dan Eilat Hotel
Pre-Conference EnergyVest – "Presenting Israeli Startups"
Hosted by NewTech Israel & Capital Nature (subject to preliminary registration)

Dan Hotel Terrace
VIP Cocktail for International Guests and Investors
Hosted by Eilat-Eilot RE Initiative (subject to preliminary registration to Investors Conference)

Business Lounge, Floor 14, Dan Eilat Hotel

Monday, December 8, 2014

Tour – VIP (by Invitation)
Ceremony – Launching the new energy building and labs

Visit to the new installations at the Capital Nature test and Validation Site and to the Off-Grid Hub
Departure from the Lobby, Dan Eilat Hotel
Refreshments and Registration
Lobby, Dan Eilat Hotel
Opening Plenary Session – Towards Sustainable Energy – The Next Stage
Greetings & Keynote Addresses
Presenting Awards to the Winners of the Sustainergy International Youth Competition 
BB Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Plenary – Long Term Energy Goals – Alternatives for Natural Gas
Present and Future General Directors of Government Ministries Discuss
BB Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Lunch and Exhibition
Unique Models for financing the Energy Revolution
BB Hall A, Dan Eilat Hotel
Renewable Energy as a Solution for Energy Security
BB Hall B, Dan Eilat Hotel
Biofuels – World Trends and Challenges
Tarshish Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Off-Grid Solutions for Developing Countries
BB Hall A, Dan Eilat Hotel
Scaling Up Cleantech Innovation
BB Hall B, Dan Eilat Hotel
The Potential of Waste to Fuel – A Global and Local Outlook
Tarshish Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Coffee Break at the Exhibition
Eilat-Eilot Off-Grid Hub
BB Hall A, Dan Eilat Hotel
Energy and Cyber
BB Hall B, Dan Eilat Hotel
Agriculture Projects for Biofuels
Tarshish Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Gala Dinner (subject to preliminary registration)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Plenary – Providing Developing World's Energy Needs – What can be Israel's Role?
BB Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Cleantech – Current Challenges and Opportunities
BB Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Water and Energy Nexus
Tarshish Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Coffee Break at the Exhibition
Ministry of Energy Seminar – 
Environmental Aspects in Energy
Environmetal Issues – Nuclear
BB Hall A, Dan Eilat Hotel

*in Hebrew

Internet of Things Advancing Energy Efficiency
BB Hall B, Dan Eilat Hotel
Energy Storage  The Next Step in Renewable Energy Penetration
Tarshish Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Smart Cities
BB Hall B, Dan Eilat Hotel
Renewable Energy – Major Projects and Opportunities in Israel and Global Trends
Tarshish Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Lunch and Exhibition
Environmental Issues – Wind
BB Hall A, Dan Eilat Hotel

*in Hebrew

Smart Cities (cont.)
BB Hall B, Dan Eilat Hotel
Biofuels in the Aviation Sector
Tarshish Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Technology – Lowering the Price of Renewable Energy Installations – The Next Stage
BB Hall A, Dan Eilat Hotel
Energy Efficiency, Smart Grid & Net Metering
BB Hall B Dan Eilat Hotel
Israeli Innovation in Biofuels
Tarshish Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Policy for Clean Energy & Regional Development
BB Hall A, Dan Eilat Hotel
The Timna 50MW Solar BID – Q&A
BB Hall B, Dan Eilat Hotel
Innovation – Smart Grid, Efficiency & EV
Tarshish Hall, Dan Eilat Hotel
Farewell - Coffee & Refreshments

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bidders Tour to Timna Industrial Area
Departure from the Lobby, Dan Eilat Hotel


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